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Writer's pictureJuan Grey

Israel: The Holy Land.

After years of planning, delays, and waiting thru a pandemic...I finally got to make my pilgrimage to Israel! This trip was definitely an adventure...buckle up and get ready for this one!

Old City of Jerusalem
Old City of Jerusalem

I arrived in Tel Aviv late afternoon after about a 4-hour flight from Brussels. My first couple of days were spent taking in this lively coastal city. It is very much an active metropolis where restaurants and clubs are open as late as 3 AM. There are several highlights within the city such as The Marina, The Old Port, and Old Jaffa. I am sure there are other interesting neighborhoods in Tel Aviv that I missed out on, as well as some museums and events perhaps...but I purposely made a point to pace myself, considering it was just the beginning of my trip and I needed my energy for the long days ahead.

Now, for the highlight of my trip and the reason I came all this way...Jerusalem! The day started early...first with a bus ride about an hour east of Tel Aviv to our first stop at Mt.Scopus for a beautiful scenic view of the Old City. Of course, your eyes focus on the iconic gold Dome of the Rock...a dedicated shrine located in the heart of the Old City. I felt myself getting overwhelmed with emotion as I saw the gold dome. It was a surreal feeling just knowing I was in the very town and very close to where Jesus died for our sins.

The 2nd stop was Mt. Olive...passing thru the Garden of Gethsemane, and stopping at the Church of Agony. Then, back on the bus for another short 5-minute ride to the entrance of the Old City.

The first stop once you go thru security is the Western Wall....there you will witness people praying and studying. From there, you walk thru the Jewish and Christian Quarters, bearing witness to the Way of the Cross (or Via Dolorosa)...the path where the Romans led Jesus to the cross.

Eventually, you get to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre...where you will see the tomb that represents where Jesus actually hung and died on the cross. Overall, a very emotional day.

The next and final day in Israel was spent visiting Bethlehem, Jericho, the Jordan River, and the Dead Sea. Little tidbit of interesting would think from stories and songs that Bethelem is in Israel, but actually, it is located in the State of Palestine. Once I arrived in Bethlehem, I was able to get rock star treatment lol. Meaning, with the private and very expensive tour that I paid for, I was able to bypass the 2-hour long line to see and touch the birthplace of Christ in the Church of Nativity. Also, I was able to visit the Church of Catherine, along with some other significant smaller churches in the vicinity.

Afterward, I was taken to Jericho to have lunch and take in this small town that sits close to the Jordan River. I didn't take a dip in the river, but I did at least make sure to put my hands in there!

Next and finally, was the Dead Sea. So if you don't know, the Dead Sea has the lowest elevation, therefore, making it the lowest body of water on Earth. Even if you can't swim like me, you have no choice but to float!😁

My trip to the Holy Land was certainly a fulfilling, emotional roller coaster. If you are a believer in Christ, I recommend making this journey and experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

Additional Note: If you follow world news and events, you may already know there is always some sort of conflict going on within Israel or with their neighbors to the south, Palestine. As it happens, I was able to witness both firsthand. On my second night in the city, shots rang out as I lay in bed at 8:30 pm. The shots were so loud, it sounded as if it was right outside my window. Sure enough, from my window, I can see police, ambulance, and news reporters rushing to the scene. I turned on the TV and was able to see everything as I was seeing it live from my window. As fate would have it, the shooting was on the very next block from my hotel where I was just hours ago. Apparently, a Palestine terrorist was shot down in an attempted plot to blow up a building. Once again, my God protected me from harm unbeknownst to me! 🙏🏽

Also, many protests were going on throughout the city regarding the Prime Minister's attempt to change certain policies. They even blocked the airport one particular day I was there...people had to get out of their cabs and walk the rest of the way. Not going to try to explain the many conflicts within Israel...just be aware, if you are planning a trip here, be prepared for everything!


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