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Writer's pictureJuan Grey

International Travel: What to Pack & What to Expect.

So you finally decided to go on that dream vacation to Dubai...but you are dreading that 14-hour flight from JFK to your final destination and you don't want to forget to pack a thing! It's one thing to forget to pack an item or two for your girl's trip to can easily go to a familiar store to pick up said item. But forgetting something when you are 7,000 miles away in a foreign country can prove to be costly and frustrating. I have traveled overseas quite a few times now and each time I feel like I have gotten better in regards to preparation and making my journey more enjoyable. Make sure you pack all of the necessary items that are essential to you...whether it be an extra pair of glasses, contact lens solution, or allergy medicine. Personal items aside that are specific to your is my list of my must-haves when traveling to keep on you or in your carry-on, and some things to expect when traveling abroad.

Traveling Essentials
Traveling Essentials

1. Charging Cord.

Make sure you have a charging cord for your phone. Most planes, especially the larger ones that travel overseas, have a USB port that is accessible on the chair, but just in case, carry an adapter as well.

2. Universal Adapter.

Even though I find that most hotels now have USB ports within the walls or desk consoles, you will never know unless you've been there before. Trust me, this is an essential item to have when traveling overseas.

3. Ear Plugs.

Now this I would say could be optional for you, but a MUST for me! I have been traveling with earplugs for quite some time now and it has been a lifesaver. Whether you are trying to sleep, minimizing the air pressure from getting to your head, or just trying to drown out the crying baby 3 rows will be glad you have earplugs handy!

4. Headphones.

Nothing could be more frustrating than forgetting your headphones when you are going on a trip. Whether you are waiting for your flight, or you are on your flight and en route to your destination, chances are you will need your headphones to make that call comfortably or listen to your music. I have the noise-canceling Air Pod Pro 2nd edition. These typically still go for $200 as of 2022, but to me, it is well worth the money. Personal disclosure: Please don't be one of those people who uses speakerphone to talk or watch YouTube videos while on the plane! Be considerate:)

5. Comfortable Footwear.

Let's face it...after a long day of traveling thru airports, standing in lines, waiting to board, and time spent in the air...when it is all said and done, your feet will be screaming for relief! I'm not here to recommend any particular brand of footwear, but just to encourage you to go for comfort as opposed to style when traveling during that first day at least. I have to admit, I have now become one of those people you see in the airport walking around in slippers lol. Typically, I will carry them in my backpack, and once I get to my gate, I regroup and get ready to settle in for my long flight by putting on some

6. Comfortable Clothing.

Seems like a no-brainer right? But believe me, when I first started traveling, I opted to wear my best pair of jeans, those new Jordans I haven't broken in yet, and that brand new designer shirt I was afraid to mess up! Nowadays, I tend to go for some joggers and a zip-up hoodie I can take on and off easily should it get too warm or cold. In your case, go with what you know to be comfortable for you!:)

7. Snacks.

Now airports typically tend to have no shortage of overpriced options to choose from regarding snacks. But why pay extra for your favorite snack when you can bring it along yourself from home! Beverages are still a no-go when going thru security so you are still left to buy that expensive bottle of Fiji water...but at least you can save in the snack department.

8. Toothbrush.

Now I'd like to think this is a no-brainer as well, but what I am specifically suggesting is to carry a toothbrush on you, or in your carry-on, so you can brush your teeth during that long flight or at the end when you touch down finally.

9. Washcloths.

So, I feel is an interesting tidbit of information. In my many travels, especially throughout Europe, I find that they don't believe in, or rather I should simply say, that don't provide washcloths. Whether you are a washcloth user or a loofah user, my suggestion is to pack your own. If you have 4 destinations in your itinerary, pack at least 4 so you can dispose of them as opposed to packing a wet cloth back in your luggage to your next destination.

10. Netflix Downloads.

Not everyone has a Netflix account I'm sure, but if you do, my suggestion is to download a few movies or a series you have been wanting to catch up on to your device. This way you are not dependent on WIFI at all while on the plane, and you have other options to watch if nothing the airline is offering looks interesting. This will make the time go faster.

Additional Note: One more bonus tip...invest in Global Entry! Even if you only travel overseas once a year, it is a wise investment. For $100 bucks, you can save yourself time and aggravation flying back into the U.S. and avoiding the long immigration lines you typically will have to go thru when you touch down from that long flight. When applying for Global Entry, you will also get PreTSA included in your purchase and both last for 5 years. If you don't already know, that allows you to skip those long security lines and also has specific benefits such as not having to remove your shoes or belt. That of course is good throughout all airports in the U.S. Click on the link below to apply!


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